The Superwoman Entrepreneur Podcast with Maribel Jimenez

The Superwoman Entrepreneur Podcast with Maribel Jimenez

026: Diversifying Income Streams As A Business Power Move And Safeguard, With Dr. Monikah Ogando

December 08, 2015

Today’s guest is CEO and Founder of the award winning firm CEO Mastery, an executive and leadership development firm working with exceptional leaders who want to elevate brand position, engage their people, and increase profits while honoring their true purpose. In addition to her success with CEO Mastery she took her first company to rank as one of Inc 500's fastest growing private companies in the United States. She is an award winning author, TEDx speaker and keynotes in the areas of leadership, marketing and communication. Maribel is delighted to introduce you to Dr. Monikah Ogando on this episode of the New SuperWoman Entrepreneur!
Do you want to know how to build a profitable business? You’ve come to the right place.
With a background in finance and holding two doctorates, the first in Psychology and the second in Comparative Religions, Dr. Monikah  has become a foremost authority in building sustainable, leveraged and profitable enterprises. She has been featured in ABC, NBC, Fox and CBS as well as Entrepreneur Magazine, Inc Magazine and other notable publications. She is the author of best sellers such as "On Fire: 7 Steps to Ignite Your Business and Light Up Your Life," "Sacred Commerce: The 7 Spheres of Spirit Driven Leadership", and "Unlock Your Inner CEO: Leading from the Inside Out". On this episode you’re going to hear Dr. Monikah share valuable insights about life, business, and the balance between the two. You’re sure to find something powerful to help you move your business forward.
How her last employer became her first client!
Dr. Monikah Ogando didn’t enter the entrepreneurial world on purpose. She was let go from her job after she had created powerful trainings for her employer that increased the bottom line tremendously. She took the content she’d created (there was no agreement with the employer that made the materials theirs) and set herself up as their consultant to continue doing those trainings for them. She expanded her reach and built a business helping other business owners increase their bottom line. It goes to show that your hard times can actually be blessings in disguise, the doors that open up to new opportunities. Hear Dr. Ogando’s inspiring story on this episode of New Superwoman Entrepreneur!
The power of getting yourself involved in a like-minded community.
The entrepreneurial path is not an easy one. Many people don’t understand it. Many people will oppose you on your journey. For those reasons it’s vital that you surround yourself with people who are on the same path and seeking the same things. That like-minded community can be the thing that sustains you when nothing else will. On this episode of the New Superwoman Entrepreneur, Dr. Monikah Ogando shares how vital this aspect of being a business owner is and how you can find the right people to support you and surround yourself with. It’s a powerful and practical point you can use today!
Diversifying income streams as a way to safeguard your business.
Imagine that you were able to sell your products directly through Facebook. That would be a powerful avenue through which you could reach the exact people who need and want what you have to offer. But it wouldn’t be wise to have Facebook as your ONLY source of revenue. Why? Because Facebook owns their platform and can make changes that impact your income any time they want. You’re too dependent on that one source of income. Dr. Monikah Ogando says that one of her biggest power moves was to diversify her streams of income. It not only brought more income into her business but also provides her a safeguard so that if one stream changes or dries up, others can take up the slack until she can reorient and make adjustments. Find out more about creating your own varied streams of income on this episode.
Outline of this great episode!

Maribel’s introduction of Dr. Monikah Ogando.
Dr. Ogando’s mission: the thing that drives her every move.
A blessing in