The Superwoman Entrepreneur Podcast with Maribel Jimenez

The Superwoman Entrepreneur Podcast with Maribel Jimenez

024: Listening To Your Intuition And Creating A Business Of Balance And Peace, With Julia Mikk

December 01, 2015

Today’s guest, Julia Mikk, was born in Estonia but has since moved to the United States. She is an internationally renowned healer, teacher, and spiritual guide. She is the founder of Breath of Love movement with certified Breath of Love Practitioners in many countries. Julia's experiences instantly change people's lives. Her clients come from all over the world to experience the shamanic Breath of Love process, receive a deep emotional and physical healing, and embody courage to live their soul purpose. Julia’s conversation with Maribel today is very revealing of the kind of person she is and the type of work she does with people. We invite you to listen in to this intimate conversation.
How does a person with a passion for inner healing become an entrepreneur?
Julia Mikk’s journey into entrepreneurship began with a very strong feeling that she needed to follow the desires in her heart but the turning point came when she experienced her own dark season of life. She had been pushing herself hard, working long hours, traveling a great deal and became aware that if she didn’t change the way she was living she would wind up contracting a disease or breaking down physically in some other way. That is what launched her into a pursuit of balancing her own life with her calling.
One of Julia’s worst moments that turned into a blessing in disguise.
When Julia hit her dark season, the time when she was burning out faster than she was rejuvenating, she discovered something very important. The blessing of it was that her own challenge of balancing and restructuring her life led her to truly getting to a place of peace and balance within herself which enabled her outreach and work to expand beyond what she had previously experienced. What is your blessing in disguise moment? Can you see the good that comes from the pain?
The business model Julia uses in her business.
Much of what Julia does centers around 3 main areas: workshops, private sessions, and larger group sessions. She’s committed to these main areas because they are what bring about the most from her time and energy but also provide the greatest amount of benefit and value to her clients. It’s a balance that is difficult to find because the need for income is always there, but the need to provide true value to people who are in need is there as well. You can learn a lot from listening to Julia explain this, on this episode.
I always sleep in… never using an alarm clock.
That’s what Julia Mikk mentioned first when she was asked about the structures that she uses to make her life and business successful. Her reasoning is that her body knows the best time for her to wake on any given day. She doesn’t want to rush that or disrupt it, but to allow her body to get the rest and strength it needs by resting adequately. Is this a tip that could help you in your business ventures? Hear more of Julia’s practices and thoughts on this episode of the New Superwoman Entrepreneur.
Outline of this great episode!

Maribel’s introduction of Julia Mikk, founder of Breath of Love Movement.
How Julia describes her work and mission.
The variety of roles Julia plays in life and what inspired her to become an entrepreneur.
A time when Julia experienced a difficulty that turned into a blessing.
Pushing against the tendency to run on fumes.
The most powerful moves Julia has made to impact her bottom line.
How Julia helps women learn to listen to the voice of their intuition.
What is the starting place Julia would advise women entrepreneurs to start in seeking well-being for themselves?
Julia’s structures that support her business and life.
Tools Julia uses to maximize her life and work.
The best advice Julia has ever received.
Who inspires her?
A book recommendation from Julia.
Julia’s personal mantra for life.
How you can connect with Julia online.

Resources mentioned in this episode
Julia’s website & Access to Free Meditation: www.BreathOfLove.o