The Superwoman Entrepreneur Podcast with Maribel Jimenez

The Superwoman Entrepreneur Podcast with Maribel Jimenez

016: Your Authentic Self & Overcoming Labels with Chloe Rain, Founder of Explore Deeply

November 03, 2015

On today’s episode Maribel is chatting with Chloe Rain, an author, photographer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has made her way into the life coaching realm as well. She considers herself a modern day Shaman - she’s trained in both Native American traditions and the Q'ero Pampamesayok Shaman Lineage of Andean Energy Medicine. 
Chloe is the Founder of Explore Deeply & the Explore Deeply Movement. She has walked in both worlds and understands the complexity of our Western World, and the simplicity of our hearts desires. In this conversation you’ll get a good look into the mind and and heart of this successful Superwoman entrepreneur, so set aside some time to listen.
What would it look like to step outside the box I’ve been given and create a box of my own?
Chloe Rain has been a successful entrepreneur for many years but she’s not always been in that place. The turning point for her was when she realized that there were expectations that people and even the culture had for her and that she was walking within… call it a box. 
She wondered to herself, “What would it look like to step outside the box I’ve been given and create a box of my own?” That’s what gave her the personal permission to begin finding herself, discovering her own unique gifts, and understanding how she fit into the world. From there she moved more and more into the place where she is today. You can hear the account of how all this happened from Chloe’s own lips on this episode of the New Superwoman Entrepreneur.
Don’t get too hung up on how you identify yourself.
It’s common for women entrepreneurs to stress over how they identify themselves, in part because the issue is a big part of how you identify your brand and your value proposition. But Chloe Rain cautions that all of us superwomen not get too hung up on those labels. She finds that many times labels set us up for failure and create in us unrealistic expectations that don’t take into account the flexible, changing nature of life as it is. It can be a very long road finding your way out of that once you’re mindset and 
[Tweet "Watch out for the labels, they can set you up for disappointment and failure"]
The value of getting a 3rd party perspective on your life, brand, and business.
It’s easy to get trapped in your own head, in your own perspective. When that happens it becomes more and more difficult to discern what’s really going on in your own heart and mind as you strive to build your business. Chloe Rain recommends that you find a trusted, 3rd party to help you navigate those types of issues. You need someone who’s outside the scope of your normal life and business, someone who can hear the struggles and challenges you’re facing and tell you, “That’s normal.” “It’s alright.” or “Here are some things you can do that might help.” That sort of resource could be the exact thing you need to keep you moving forward in a healthy way as you walk your superwoman journey.
Have you hit a place in your life where you’re not really happy?
That’s the exact place Chloe Rain found herself even though she’d been very successful in her career. There were things nagging at her deep down that told her that what she was experiencing wasn’t all there is, wasn’t what she was truly looking for. 
In this episode of the New Superwoman Entrepreneur, Maribel chats with Chloe about that time in her life and the two share the things that came out of that season and how Chloe found herself and began moving into a more authentic, aligned, powerful place as a woman. You’ll want to hear this one.
Resource from Chloe - use the coupon “Maribel” -  FREE OFFER to get your “21 Days To Love” program
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