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Latest Episodes
Bonus 9: Open source is mostly just normal people
My experience with ember-cli-typescript as an example: we're all just people muddling along and doing our best.
e021: Keeping your types under cover
Using type aliases and creating custom type wrappers for more expressive and safer code.
Interview 4 – Jonathan Turner: Part 3
Smoothing the Rust dev story: future work on the RLS, in Rust itself, and in Servo.
Interview 4 – Jonathan Turner: Part 2
Making Rust Better: Rust as the fusion of systems and high-level programming languages, and the RLS.
Interview 4 – Jonathan Turner: Part 1
Background, TypeScript, coming to Rust, and how helpful the Rust community can be.
Where the RLS came from, what it can do, and how you can start using it today!