The Ayn Rand Institute Podcast

Latest Episodes
Will Jeff Bezos’s Washington Post Defend “Personal Liberties and Free Markets”? Podcast audio: In this episode of The Ayn Rand Institute Podcast, Onkar Ghate and Elan Journo examine Jeff Bezos' decision to reorient The Washington Post's opi
Cashing In on Objectivism Podcast audio: Philosophy is for living. But how do you get the most value out of your philosophy? This is a question the panelists have been exploring from a v
The Marxists’ Exploitation Myth Podcast audio: In this episode of The Ayn Rand Institute Podcast, Ben Bayer and Nikos Sotirakopoulos challenge the exploitation theory of value at the root of m
The Visionaries by Wolfram Eilenberger: ARI Bookshelf Discussion Podcast audio: A new ARI podcast series gives you a window into ARIs educational programs by showcasing our faculty as they discuss books of recent interest. T
Does Forgiveness Heal — or Whitewash Evil? Podcast audio: In this episode of The Ayn Rand Institute Podcast, Onkar Ghate and Tristan de Lige discuss why the traditional conception of forgiveness is evil
War, Politics, Ideas: A Panel on Foreign Policy Podcast audio: What is at stake in the Russia/Ukraine and the Israel/Hamas conflicts? What are Americas interests in the chaotic Middle East? How do we evaluat
How to Think About Current Events Join one of ARI's many online educational courses. Our new "Flex" option allows you to take these courses at your own pace, whenever you have the time, while also
Israel and Trump’s Humiliating Gaza Deals Podcast audio: In this episode of The Ayn Rand Institute Podcast, Elan Journo and Ben Bayer discuss the moral travesty of the Gaza deal and the intellectual ban
Philosophy, Work, and Business | Don Watkins and Tal Tsfany Podcast audio: Accelerate your understanding of Objectivism today by joining one of our many online educational courses. Our new "Flex" option allows you to tak
Google’s Real Crime? Being Too Good. The Antitrust War Exposed Podcast audio: In this episode of The Ayn Rand Institute Podcast, Ben Bayer and Robertas Bakula discuss the latest developments of the Department of Justices v