No Show Radio
Episode 8 New Amsterdam Show 1/7/2016
Hello!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! And Happy Throw back Thursday!!
Whats going on People from around the world! we have another jammed packed episode and here's whats on the menu!
we address the haters…Kind of
We talk about our accomplishments, Gil talks about the Music videos he has done, EL Talks about his Realestate Business.
EL travels like No other how is he doing it????
We talk about the man in paris he stabbed 6 people in the subway,Suspected to be muslim, we play the clip.
We talk about Kobe retiring and how we feel about it.Elliot trashes the Lakers.
Gil praises Kobe on his accomplishments, and is a super NBA crack head.
We go into some NBA talk
We talk about black Friday and how we fell about it.
We talk about the crazy people of New York, Including the bird man!!!
We talk about our crazy New York Subway stories.
Links to check out cause we love you guys!!!
The Crazy Mathew Silver-
Gil's Music videos-
Elliot's Realestate Page-
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