The Fandom Nexus
92 Walt Disney's Gift to Marceline
Welcome back to the Neverland Podcast!
This is it, Neverlanders! This is the day we finally announce our winners in the 2015 Neverland Battle of the Disney Bands, and Lost Boy Eric "Retlaw" is here to help Spider-Pan share the results as determined by your votes! It's been a great summer event, and the results are a great ending!
Next, we welcome Peter Whitehead to the show from the Walt Disney Hometown Museum in Marceline, MO to talk a little about his new job as creative director, a little about ToonFest, and a lot about Bring Back Autopia and how you can help save this classic Disneyland ride that Walt brought to his boyhood home!
Grab your pixie and let's fly to Neverland!
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