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Never a straight answer

97# Ancient Egyptian aliens | who built the pyramids?

August 22, 2020

Recently Elon musk has been condemned by the scientific community and media for his comments on twitter about the pyramids being built by aliens.
We talked about it a few weeks ago
To be fair there are a few places on earth that people have claimed to have been built by Aliens
Stone Hinge, Easter Island, and the great Pyramids
Seems we don’t get the credit for anything.
So like I say The SpaceX boss Elon Musk tweeted what appeared to be support for conspiracy theorists who say aliens were involved in the colossal construction of the Egyptian pyramids.
What he said was “Aliens built the pyramids OBVs”
But Egypt's international co-operation minister does not want Aliens taking any of the credit.
She says seeing the tombs of the slave pyramid builders would be the proof enough for anyone in doubt.
The tombs discovered in the 1990s are definitive evidence; experts say that the magnificent structures were indeed built by ancient Egyptians and not aliens!
So tonight we have a look in to the theory Ancient astronauts & Egyptian alien’s connections to the pyramids.
"Ancient astronauts" (or "ancient aliens") refers to the idea that intelligent extra-terrestrial beings visited Earth and made contact with humans in antiquity and prehistoric times.
Alien theorists suggest that this contact influenced the development of modern cultures, technologies, religions, and human biology.

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