Never a straight answer

Never a straight answer

94# Mothman | profit of doom

August 02, 2020

This week we take a look at everyone favourite Cryptid the Moth man,
We explore the point present legend of a winged humanoid creature over the sky's of this small town in 1966 and its connections with shadowy the Men in Black, UFO sightings and of ‎Prophesies and even a curse! Are the Legends real of just an excuse to turn a Prophesies in to profit? Sightings of the winged creature have been on the rise since 2012 after the launch of the Moth man festival held the 3rd Saturday in September in the town of point present 
We look at the similarity between the moth man and the Native American folk law of the Thunderbird and ask does this go back longer than we realised. From world wide sightings and eye witness encounters.  

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