Never a straight answer

Never a straight answer

92# Dark fleet | The secret Nazi space program

July 19, 2020

92# Dark fleet | The secret Nazi space program
What would you say if told you Neil Armstrong were NOT the first Man to land on the Moon?
Shock claims have been made of Nazi lunar landing on the moon blasting off from from Antarctica base
According to this conspiracy Nazis were the first to land people on the Moon - beating US astronaut Neil Armstrong to it by 27 years, according to this crazy conspiracy theory. Was Hitter in league with the Reptilians in order to set up colonies on the Moon and Mars?  This week we look at the secret Nazi space program The US a secret space fleet code named 'Solar Warden' and how the Reptilians used operation paper clip to infiltrate the US government. All this plus we look at the week’s headlines and news from deep space. Join Gaz and Taylor for this week's exciting episode of never a straight answer podcast


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