NeuroEndoNow's podcast

NeuroEndoNow's podcast

Latest Episodes

#37. 3D Primary Cell Culture: A Novel Preclinical Model For Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors
May 18, 2020

Mr Simon April-Monn, PhD student with Prof Perren and Dr Marinoni at the University of Bern, Switzerland, talks with NEN about their recent publication in Neuroendocrinology. Interview by Dr Julie Ann Lough April-Monn S.L., Wiedmer T., Skowronska M.,...

#34. Hot flushes and KNDy ('Candy') neurons
July 30, 2019

Prof Naomi E. Rance, University of Arizona, speaks to NEN at ICN2018 in Toronto, to discusses her body of work on the exciting links between KNDy neurons, menopausal women, and novel approaches to managing hot flushes. Interview by Dr Julie Ann Lough

#35. Corticosteroid action in the brain: the potential of selective receptor modulation
July 30, 2019

Eva Viho, PhD student at Leiden University Medical Centre, talks to NEN about her recent publication "Corticosteroid action in the brain: the potential of selective receptor modulation." Interview by Dr Julie Ann Lough Viho, E.M.G., Buurstede J.C.,...

36. GnRH deficiency disease, Kallman Syndrome, and Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism
July 30, 2019

Dr Anna Cariboni from The University of Milan discusses her work on rare GnRH deficiency disease, Kallman Syndrome, and Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism, using gene knockout studies.  Interview by Dr Julie Ann Lough Oleari R., Lettieri A., Paganoni...

#33. JAK2/STAT5 pathway mediates prolactin-induced apoptosis of lactotropes
February 04, 2019

Dr Jimena Ferraris of the Karolinska Institute and the University of Buenos Aires talks with NEN about her recently published work in Neuroendocrinology on the identification of signal transduction pathways that may play a role in the pathogenesis of...

#32. Reducing the heat with neurokinin antagonism: a new non-hormonal approach for treating hot flashes
December 04, 2018

Dr Mike Trower of KaNDy Therapeutics talks with NEN at ICN 2018 Toronto about a novel non-hormone approach to reducing hot flashes in women. Interview by Dr. Julie Ann Lough

#31. Female sexual receptivity depends upon extra-ovarian estradiol synthesis in marmoset monkeys
December 04, 2018

Marissa Kraynak of the University of Wisconsin-Madison talks with NEN at ICN 2018 Toronto about ovarian and extra-ovarian estradiol and how they contribute to sexual receptivity regulation in the marmoset monkey. Interview by Dr. Julie Ann Lough

#30. Novel orally active somatostatin analogs for the treatment of acromegaly
December 04, 2018

Dr Stephen Betz of Crinetics Pharmaceuticals talks with NEN at ICN 2018 Toronto about his research on the development of treatments for acromegaly; a condition where a pituitary adenoma causes growth hormone hypersecretion causing gigantism in...

#29. Programming of cognitive functions by early-life stress. A role for nutrition and neuroinflammation
December 04, 2018

Dr Aniko Korosi of the University of Amsterdam talks with NEN at ICN 2018 Toronto about the effects of early life stress on metabolism and cognition later in life. Interview by Dr. Julie Ann Lough

#28. The role of 11beta-HSD2 in glucocorticoid programming of affective and cognitive behaviours
November 07, 2018

Dr Megan Holmes of the University of Edinburgh talks to NEN at ICN 2018 Toronto about early life stress and glucocorticoid signaling and the problems it has on longterm outcomes.   Interview by Dr. Julie Ann Lough