Nerdlab Podcast

093 – A Working Day as a Games Publisher
It’s been over half a year since I recorded the last podcast episode. That’s definitely far too long. I hope that I will be able to record new episodes much more often in the future. Because I really missed being able to exchange ideas with other game designers and to delve deeply into specific game design activities in order to prepare for an episode.
So what do I want to talk about today? A lot has changed for me in the last 6 months. I am in the middle of the transition from a wannabe game designer to a small publisher who is releasing and launching his first game. I know that many listeners keep asking themselves whether they should take that step and whether they should publish one of their game ideas themselves or hand it over to a publisher. I would like to address this topic today with my experiences from the last few months.
Therefore, I am taking you with me on a normal working day in my role as a Games Publisher. In the end I will list my pros and cons of self-publishing. Maybe this is helping you to make a decision whether this is path is something for you or not.