Nerd Journey: Career Advice for the Technology Professional

Nerd Journey: Career Advice for the Technology Professional

Most Influential Books On My Thinking – Nick Korte

December 31, 2019

Welcome to Bonus Episode 09 of the Nerd Journey Podcast [@NerdJourney]! We’re John White (@vJourneyman) and Nick Korte (@NetworkNerd_), two Pre-Sales Technical Engineers who are hoping to bring you the IT career advice that we wish we’d been given earlier in our careers. In today’s episode we have the second of two bonus episodes about the books that shaped our thinking. This week, Nick talks about his book list.
Original Recording Date: 12-21-2019
Topics – Books that shaped our thinking – Nick Korte
1:33 – Hope and Help for Your Nerves by Dr. Claire Weekes

* Go back and listen to Bonus Episode 08 for the books that shaped John’s thinking.
* Sometimes Nick gets nervous and anxious about things. Someone he went to church with gave him a copy of this book after recognizing these qualities.
* The book talks about the mind / body connection when it comes to nervous illness.
* One specific idea is the temptation to choose the nearest confidant when you need advice, can’t make a decision, or are too overwhelmed.

* Wait, and go to a close friend (someone who knows you need advice) who can listen and talk you through the situation.
* John says this temptation is likely there for anyone who likes to work things out by talking through it.

* This one is a short, easy read.

4:23 – The Real-Life MBA by Jack and Suzie Welch

* This book was mentioned in Episode 20 to frame the area of destiny concept.
* Nick got this book at a conference, and it has a career section. In that specific section is where the area of destiny concept was explained and explored. Here are some nuggets from that section:

* Is it work-life balance or work-life choice? The distribution of work time vs. personal time is different based on the individual.
* The book cites reasons that careers stall (attitude, nowhere to go within the company, etc.).

* The book emphasizes retention of top talent even through times that require a reduction in force to the point of offering top talent more money.

* Top performers have the ability to leave by way of the fact that they are top performers.
* Loving people on the way out just as you loved them on the way in is important regardless of circumstance.

7:34 – Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World by David Epstein

* The book starts with an interesting comparison between Tiger Woods and Roger Federer and how each became a specialist in their respective sports.
* A late blooming generalist can eventually become an excellent specialist despite the lack of a head start.
* Epstein compares kind learning environments vs. wicked learning environments.

* There are multiple examples in the book about expertise from one domain being applied into a different domain.
* This reminds Nick of previous episodes like the one with Jimmy T. (Episode 35) about experience from the Minecraft community.