Nerdifi Podcast
Latest Episodes
Ep. 48- Spider-Man Retrospectifi
Your friendly neighbourhood fandom feeders are back and they have fifteen years' worth of Spider-...
Ep 47- Wonder Woman Review
It's been a long time but Dan, Josh and Danny B have FINALLY assembled to bring you their thought...
Ep 46- Captain America: The Winter Soldier Commen-table
Special Notice Dan, Josh, Danny B and all the writers and contributors at Nerdifi send out hea...
Ep45- Alien Covenant Review
Run. Hide. Feed... Your Fandom! Dan, Josh and Danny B return to space where no-one can hear ...
Ep. 44- Alien Retrospectifi
In space no-one can hear you feed your fandom. Dan, Josh and Danny B journey across an ocean o...
Ep. 43- Defending the Last Jedi Guardians... From Aliens!
The fandom feeders are back and they've got a galaxy of geeky news to cover. Dan, Josh and Dan...
Nerdifi Podcast episode 42- Guardians of the Galaxy Commen-table
Ooga Chaka, Ooga ooga Ooga Chaka, Ooga ooga! Dan, Violet and Danny B return to the MCU for ye...
Nerdifi Podcast episode 41- Wonder Woman Wishlist
Wonder Woman, all the fandom feeders are waiting for you, and the power you possess; in your sati...
Nerdifi Podcast episode 40- Spider Fist of Justice!
Dan, Josh and Danny B are joined by Violet to discuss Marvel and Netflix' divisive Iron Fist seri...
Nerdifi Podcast episode 39- Thor: The Dark World Commen-table
The fandom feeders are ready to cross the rainbow bridge back into the MCU with this divisive and...