Nerd Effect

Nerd Effect

Nerd Effect News - Week Thru 3/30/3014

April 01, 2014


In this weeks news, we get someone who gets a new 3D printed skull, NASA is planning a one-way trip to Mars, Facebook throws cash-money for the Oculus Rift and Archaeologists un-earth some weird shit.


Dustin VanCour

Mason Ireland

Michael Morgan

Nikki Prindle



NASA Planning One-Way Mission for Colonization on Mars… (Part 1)

…And then they will go Crazy. (Part 2)

Facebook Drops it’s Monetary Wang on the Table and Purchases Oculus Rift… (Part 1)

…Then the Maker of Minecraft give Facebook and Oculus a Verbal Middle Finger. (Part 2)

Woman gets a 3D printed Skull Implant.

Archaeologists are Digging Up some Crazy Shit these Days.
