Nerd Effect

Nerd Effect

Nerd Effect News - Week Thru 3/9/2014

March 12, 2014


Welcome to the first ever episode of the Nerd Effect News! We have been talking about separating our show into two parts for some time now and now it has become a reality. In this week’s show we talk about a man who springs into self defense with an iconic weapon, a super massive black hole (no, not Miley Cyrus’s butthole), Asteroids will end us all, iPods hep Alzheimer’s patients  and a $2,400 Linux training program is now….FREE???? Feel sorry for those suckers who purchased it already.


Man Defends his Girlfriend with a replica Master Sword

iPods help Alzheimer’s Patients

$2,400 Linux Training program…Now Free???

Jumbo Black Hole Twists Space

Nikki’s Tin Foil Hat Corner!Asteroids Will End us All!!!!

More Asteroid Article’s from past News Shows:

Space suits:

We’re all going to die:

Space cannon:


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