Intersect: Where Church Meets Culture

Intersect: Where Church Meets Culture

“Confronting Homelessness in Columbia, SC and Beyond” -305

December 15, 2020

"Confronting Homelessness in Columbia, SC and Beyond"

In this episode, Josh and Betsy interview Craig Currey, CEO of Transitions Homeless Center in Columbia, SC. Craig dispels common myths about homelessness and provides practical ways that Christians can and should engage this challenge. Jesus told us to care about the least and the lost. Listen to this episode so that you will become better equipped to do just that.
Show Notes:
The Biblical Basis for Caring for the Homeless
Transitions Homeless Center website
Transitions resource cards:
Print and cut out these double-sided cards
and carry them with you to hand out to
homeless individuals in Columbia, SC
Questions? Email us at