Intersect: Where Church Meets Culture

Latest Episodes
YouTube Season 7, Ep. 04 — “Wrap Up Some Hope for Christmas”
"Wrap Up Some Hope for Christmas" In this festive episode of Intersect, Pastor Josh Desch and his wife Betsy discuss the cultural and spiritual significance of Christmas. They delve into Christmas
YouTube Season 7, Ep. 03 — “David French: My Journey as a Christian to the New York Times”
"David French: My Journey as a Christian to the New York Times" In todays episode, Josh and Betsy are joined via phone by David French a well-known writer and political commentator. David is an
YouTube Season 7, Ep. 02 — “Reading Round Up”
"Reading Round Up" Josh and Betsy are back with more book recommendations. Each of them shares briefly about three books they read this summer. Log onto Amazon, open your Kindle, or get out your li
YouTube Season 7, Ep. 01 — “Which Vacation is Better: A Cruise, or an All-Inclusive Resort?”
"Which Vacation is Better: A Cruise, or an All-Inclusive Resort?" Welcome to the Official Launch of the "INTERSECT: Where Church Meets Culture" YouTube Video Show! While most of our episodes will div
“Metaverse Madness” — 604
"Metaverse Madness" Have you heard about the metaverse? Are you living in the metaverse already? Why is Facebook now called Meta? And do you need to take out a second mortgage and buy the new Apple V
“A Bridge Too Far — Assisted Death in Canada” – 603
"A Bridge Too Far Assisted Death in Canada" Who has the right to determine when they die? For most of history, taking ones own life has been viewed as something society should prevent at all costs
“F·R·I·E·N·D·S, Friendship, and the Secret Sauce” – 602
"FRIENDS, Friendship, and the Secret Sauce" The passing of Matthew Perry, the actor known to so many as "Chandler Bing" on the popular TV Show "FRIENDS", has the world talking about this show
“Throwdown: Is the Casualization of Clothing Good or Bad?” – 601
"THROWDOWN - Is the Casualization of Clothing in Our Culture Good or Bad?" Josh and Betsy are ready to rumble! In this debate style episode they take opposite sides on the question of whether or not
“A Christian Perspective on Mental Health” – 512
"A Christian Perspective on Mental Health -- Are Mental Health Professionals the New High Priests?" Mental health is an area of constant growth and awareness in our country. We have certainly seen th
“Every Human Has A Story” – 511
"Every Human Has A Story" Stories. We read them, we watch them, we live them. Every person has a story, and every person has to make sense of life in terms of a story. That is to say, everyone believ