Negotiators Podcast

Negotiators Podcast

How to Tap into Your Inner Rhino and Strive for Excellence

April 18, 2023

Monday Night Live: PART 2 – Derek Arden interviews David Hyner, More Discussions in this Interview

In part 2 of the interview, Derek Arden asks David Hyner about the concept of making lists and crossing off tasks. David advises doing the hardest, scariest tasks first and using reverse psychology with to-do lists, which he calls the “third of 1% rule in emotional intelligence.” He recommends eating the “frog” or “sprout” first to increase productivity and achieve more.

Going Rhino
Derek Arden asks David Hyner about the concept of “going Rhino,” which comes from the book “Rhinoceros Success” by American author Scott Alexander.

David explains that according to Alexander, 97% of people behave like cows and only 3% behave like rhinos. Cows are content with staying in their comfort zones and doing what they’ve always done, while rhinos are driven to charge toward their goals and aspirations.

The world of positive psychology has shown that the 3% of people who behave like rhinos outperform the other 97% by a wide margin.

David urges people to tap into their inner rhino and charge toward their goals, even when it’s hard work. He reminds listeners that they have all had moments of exceptional performance in their lives and encourages them to strive for that level of excellence more often.

The third question from Derek was about the increasing lack of resilience among teenagers and university students, and why this might be happening.

David suggests that there has been a borderline tsunami epidemic of a lack of resilience, and emotional and mental well-being among young people, particularly those in their early years at school and college.

He believes that this may be due to the fact that during the lockdown caused by the pandemic, kids looked to adults for how to respond, but as adults were equally uncertain and scared, the children withdrew into themselves.

As a result, they now lack a term of reference for how to behave in times of crisis, and they withdraw as a protection mechanism as soon as they experience any kind of challenge or resistance or something that scares them.

David also says that some psychologists and neuropsychologists have confirmed that this lack of resilience may be due to a lack of role models and examples of how to respond to crises.

Sedona Technique
In the final discussion, David Hyner talks about the Sedona Method, which is a way of letting go of stressful situations by identifying where tension is located in the body and imagining it as a physical object, which is then displaced into a pen.

He explains that the Sedona Method can be used to reduce stress, anxiety, negative feelings, and physiological tension quickly.

He also suggests that people use these techniques to help others who may be struggling with resilience.

Derek Arden