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North Carolina’s impending crisis in the childcare system with Janet Singerman and Rhonda Rivers
April 15, 2024

As is the case in most of the U.S., North Carolinas childcare system is not what it should be. Across the state, thousands of childcare providers operate in almost perpetual crisis a crisis in which barely-making-it schools employ overworked and grievo

Simple, free online tax filing is a no-brainer
April 15, 2024

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Attorney General Stein solves a vexing problem
April 12, 2024

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EPA action to regulate PFAS is a welcome start to a long and essential process
April 11, 2024

The post EPA action to regulate PFAS is a welcome start to a long and essential process appeared first on NC Newsline.

State legislature must address impending ‘childcare cliff’
April 10, 2024

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“Because we said so”: GOP disenfranchises hundreds of NC voters for no reason
April 09, 2024

The post Because we said so: GOP disenfranchises hundreds of NC voters for no reason appeared first on NC Newsline.

Ann Webb of Common Cause NC on how the end of the three-day grace period is disenfranchising voters
April 08, 2024

In 2009, as voting by mail, became more and more a part of North Carolina elections, lawmakers of both parties unanimously agreed that mailed ballots postmarked by Election Day would still be counted if they arrived at county boards of elections within th

Ardis Watkins of the State Employees Association of NC on staggering vacancy rates in key agencies
April 08, 2024

As a growing list of reports has documented in recent months, several North Carolina state government agencies are struggling mightily to recruit and retain employees. The Department of Health and Human services reports a 25% vacancy rate and in some pris

Reporter Casey Quinlan on why many Americans are worried about the economy during record strength
April 08, 2024

By just about any key measure, the U.S. economy is in remarkably good shape. Jobs are plentiful, wages are up, inflation has leveled off and by all indications, weve avoided the recession that some analysts had feared was looming. That said, things are f

Attacks on DEI beg the question: “Who’s kidding who?”
April 08, 2024

The post Attacks on DEI beg the question: Whos kidding who? appeared first on NC Newsline.