Navigating Hospitality

Navigating Hospitality

Navigating Face Coverings

August 11, 2020

During this episode – we will talk about proper etiquette regarding face coverings and why it is important to think through your selection of a face covering.

Please note, we are not medical doctors, we don’t give advice with regards to the efficacy of wearing a face covering, rather – we explore social intelligence, etiquette, and manners. Please see CDC guidelines by clicking this link.

In this episode, we chat about proper washing and disposing of face coverings from an etiquette and social intelligence lens, not from a medical standpoint. For more specific instructions on face covering care, please visit the CDC website for more information. For the workplace, you may want to visit OSHA’s website for COVID-19 face covering guidance. If you would like to download the Guidance on Returning to Work, please click the button below.

Guidance on Returning to Work – OSHA

Cloth Face CoveringPlacement of face covering

Proper Logo PlacementLogo Placement

Feel free to use and download the tips. If you would like the PDF, please contact Dr. Alison Green –

Face Covering Tips
