JustAskMarc Bodybuilding and Fitness

JustAskMarc Bodybuilding and Fitness

Latest Episodes

Does Alcohol Make You Gain Weight?
February 17, 2013

Does alcohol make you gain weight?! “Does alcohol make you gain weight?” is a common question I get in my Inbox at least once a month   They are probably referring the common imagery of the classic beer belly. Or as my friend up North asks,

Need a Challenge? Join this Fitness Contest
February 13, 2013

Starts on February 14th, 2013 My friend Tom Venuto has an interesting concept called the “Love Your Body” challenge. In this contest if you TAKE ACTION,  you can score points and win.  You don’t have to take pictures unless you want to

Why Do You Think Weight Loss is so Difficult?
February 06, 2013

  For the last several years, I’ve been asked questions thru e-mail and in person about the particulars of losing weight.  Being mostly skinny all my life, I never really gave it much thought because in my case, losing weight is easy.  I j

The 5 Keys to Bullet Proof Abs
February 01, 2013

This is a guest post by Shane McGrotty of *Rep Fitness* He has been training in power lifting, Olympic lifting, and CrossFit for several years. Everyone knows that to have visible abs, a good clean diet is absolutely essential to get rid of the fat coveri

Where’s the Beef?
January 25, 2013

What’s in your burger? That’s a good question!  If your meat comes from the third biggest seller of meat, United Kingdom based Tesco, it might contain some horse meat.  And not traces! In an effort to revive consumer faith, the Food Safety A

Dragon Flag
January 16, 2013

Uncensored bodybuilding and fitness information in a podcast format (audio) on topics like nutrition, training and supplements.

10 Reasons Your Carb Back-Loading Experience Sucks:
January 16, 2013

With a few tweaks, this kid might be Carb Backloading (he didn’t read the book either) You haven’t read the book. Click “buy now” to fix that. You are treating Carb Backloading like it’s a Fasting protocol. You spent only 5 minu

Introducing The NoBull Bodybuilding Points System
January 07, 2013

Thanks to a suggestion from a friend who pointed out rewards system.  I told him I wanted to reward my readers in some fashion but  giveaways or emails just wouldn’t do.  I’ve been at a loss for some time when he suggested I try PunchTab. As you ca

Top 49 Things I Learned In 2012
January 03, 2013

Looking Back at 2012 What’s the lat pull-down machine for?  For people who can’t do pull ups (thanks Vince Girona!) You don’t need a training partner.  You can do this on your own with some support. Don’t let anybody tell you how much muscle yo

Can You Help Me Convince My Parents Supplements are Safe?
January 01, 2013

Can You Help Me Convince My Parents Supplements are Safe? Supplements are safe for teens! (or are they?) Question: I am 18 years old.  I've been weight lifting for about a year now.  I want to take a few supplements like: