Natural Time

Natural Time

Red Self-Existing Dragon

April 15, 2021

4.14.21 - Day 4/13 of the White Mirror Wavespell * Planetary Moon 11

The White Mirror wavespell has three stations, and we can see ourselves lodge at one or move between them over the course of the 13 days. You could be the priest at the top of the pyramid, performing the ceremony of sacrifice. You could be in the space of the sacrificial victim, the offering - which feels like getting your heart cut out and then the rarified aftermath as you enter heaven. Or you could be the observer at the base of the pyramid, taking in the remarkable view of others engaged in the most demanding human act of orchestrated surrender. All spaces in this triangulated diagram are holy, awesome, operatic. The White Mirror moment ends up being an invitation to grandeur, grit and present-moment aliveness, such that it feels less like terror than divine awakening.