Podcasts - National Blue Ribbon Schools

Latest Episodes
Audio: Students, Parents and Educators: Forming a ‘Mosaic’ of Support
Principal Mahri Aste (second from left) with others at the National Blue Ribbon Schools Ceremony In this audio profile, Principal Mahri Aste explains how students helped choose a new name for their
Audio: Using Assessments for Student Goal Setting
In this audio profile, Principal Ryan Ambrose explains how teachers at Checotah Intermediate Elementary School use assessments to help set individual student goals and adjust their instruction to meet
Video: Student Engagement and Opportunities to Learn
https://player.vimeo.com/video/725765404 In this video, hear how AcadeMir Charter School Middle provides opportunities for students to learn both in and outside of the school day. Students take f
Video: Backpack of Success Skills: Ready for Middle School
https://vimeo.com/729295294 At Greathouse Shryock Traditional Elementary School, fifth grade students know they are ready for middle school and they proudly demonstrate their readiness by presen
Video: Accelerating Student Pathways Through an Early College Partnership
https://vimeo.com/718760175 Students at Henry Ford Early College have a unique opportunity to explore health care career pathways and earn significant college credits while still in high school. A
Success Through Early Learning and Family Engagement
At Meeting Street Academy in Spartanburg, North Carolina, three- and four-year-old students attend a full-day kindergarten program rich in learning through play, movement, and hands-on academic activi
Audio: Financial Literacy Programs at Saint Andrew Catholic School
At Saint Andrew Catholic School, parents, teachers and community partners come together to offer students several ways to start thinking about their economic futures. The school hosts an on-campus ban
Audio: Grade Looping at a Rural Elementary School
Think of your favorite teacher in elementary school and now imagine how great it would have been to have that teacher for three years instead of just one. Thats what happens at Portland Elementary