Podcasts - National Blue Ribbon Schools

Video: Student Driven Learning in Marine Science and Beyond
Marine Science Magnet High School provides specialized marine science programming to students from over thirty Connecticut communities. This video describes how the school supports students to drive their own learning and become better stewards of their local environment.
According to the school principal: “When you’re here, you’re going to understand more about what marine sciences could mean. So yes, it is fish tanks and going out on project oceanology boats, but it’s also learning about what do we need to educate the community about? What are the policy or advocacy opportunities that are out there to shape the environment? And finally, within our business and industry field . . . how does marine science shape those fields?”
A transcript of the video is available here.
Read the accompanying video Reflection Guide to help prompt further ideas for your school or district context.
MSMHS sophomores pose after a cold day on the water
School InformationMarine Science Magnet High School
Ms. Tara Amatrudo
Current Principal
130 Shennecossett RoadGroton, CT 06340-5117
(860) 446-9380https://www.msmhs.com/Marine Science Magnet High School
Student Demographics 2023Number of students 9-12271Students eligible for subsidized meals33%Students receiving special ed services10%ELL2%African American1.5%White66.4%Hispanic or Latino18.5%Asian3.7%American Indian or Alaska Native.7%Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander0%2 or More Races9.2%Student mobility rate4%
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The post Video: Student Driven Learning in Marine Science and Beyond first appeared on National Blue Ribbon Schools.
The post Video: Student Driven Learning in Marine Science and Beyond appeared first on National Blue Ribbon Schools.