Podcasts - National Blue Ribbon Schools

Podcasts - National Blue Ribbon Schools

Video: A Week of Learning Differently: March Intensive

July 05, 2023

This video profile explains how Hanover High School students, educators and community members come together for an annual program focused on a different way of learning. As one student shares, “March Intensive is a week-long program where you have the chance to explore something you’re very passionate about in an intense format.” The program also fosters strong connections between teachers and students who can connect over a wide variety of shared interests. Whether it’s cooking, lifeguarding, dog training or stop-motion animation, March Intensive has something for everyone at Hanover to get excited about.

A transcript of the video is available here.

Read the accompanying video Reflection Guide to help prompt further ideas for your school or district context.

Hanover High School students and teachers on a community service trip during March Intensive.Hanover High School students and teachers on a community service trip during March Intensive.

School InformationHanover High School

Mrs. Julie Stevenson

Principal at time of Nomination

41 Lebanon Street, Suite 1
Hanover, NH 03755-2147
(603) 643-3431https://hhs.sau70.org/Hanover High School

Student Demographics 2022 Number of students 9-12691Students eligible for subsidized meals4%Students receiving special ed services27%ELL0%African American3%White85%Hispanic or Latino1%Asian9%American Indian or Alaska Native0.6%Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander1%2 or More Races0.4%Student mobility rate2%

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The post Video: A Week of Learning Differently: March Intensive first appeared on National Blue Ribbon Schools.

The post Video: A Week of Learning Differently: March Intensive appeared first on National Blue Ribbon Schools.