The Mental Elf

The Mental Elf

Latest Episodes

Oliver Dale and Kirsten Barnicot preview #BIGSPD22
May 10, 2022

Oliver Dale and Kirsten Barnicot preview the 2022…

Louise Howard - Breaking the bias to impact on mental health #IoPPNfestival
May 10, 2022

Professor Louise Howard, Professor in Women’s Men…

Christina Krause - Burnout
May 09, 2022

How do we support health and care staff who are b…

Roz Shafran & Adam Radomsky
May 09, 2022

Speaking before their keynotes at the BABCP 2022 …

Why do the EPSRC want to fund more mental health research? With Philippa Hemmings
April 19, 2022

As the mental health crisis continues, The Engine…

Mathematics and mental health: what's the connection? with Professor Terry Lyons
April 19, 2022

How can mathematics contribute to mental health r…

How can AI help us to manage mental health condtiions? With Amid Ayobi and Aisling Ann O'Kane
April 19, 2022

The Mental Health Research Matters team spoke to …

Tony LaMontagne - Work as a social determinant of mental health and wellbeing
March 28, 2022

Prof. Tony LaMontagne talks to Adam Nebbs at the …

SMHR Big Ideas
March 24, 2022

Fiona Cocker facilitates a discussion with early …

Jon Roiser & Ron Kessler - Precision Psychiatry #IoMHconf2021
September 13, 2021

Ron Kessler, “Pragmatic Precision Psychiatry” Ron…