BIG Ideas from The Business Intelligence Guy

BIG Ideas from The Business Intelligence Guy

No Show or Cancel Without Future Appointment

January 09, 2023

Do patients who miss an appointment get rescheduled?

Are you sure?

Today’s BIG Idea comes from a cardiology group that tracks patients who no show or cancel their appointment to make sure those patients get rescheduled with the practice.  We built a report that automatically finds patients who no show or cancel, but do not have a future appointment.  Since it is an exception report, you only see the patients your team needs to focus on.  Listen for ideas on how you might prioritize which patients to call back. Occasionally podcasts like this get me in trouble with practices who have more patients than they can see, but this report is not just about driving revenue for the practice.  There is a significant patient care aspect to this report as well.  I hope these podcasts are helpful.

The post No Show or Cancel Without Future Appointment appeared first on Moore Solutions Inc.