Podcast | Quiet please

September 05, 2019

The Royal Opera House orchestra was rehearsing Die Walküre. For more than three hours violist Chris Goldscheider sat in front of twenty brass players belting out Wagner at 90dB. His hearing was permanently damaged. The Opera House argued that artistic standards took precedence over the risk of acoustic shock, but the courts thought otherwise and awarded Goldscheider substantial damages.
A musician’s job is to create sound. Rock musicians ramp up the amplifiers and often lose their hearing temporarily after a particularly loud concert. Many don’t acknowledge the warning. Over time, even violinists can lose 6dB of hearing in their left ear.
Many publicans and restaurateurs foster sound. They rip out partitions, strip out soft furnishings and turn up the music. Chatter turns to shouting and then to screaming, and by the time the sound level is 90dB – that’s the same as a pneumatic drill – they have created the vibe they think their clientele enjoy. At least that’s what many of them told Action on Hearing Loss. I wonder. You can’t pour your heart out, or even chat to your mates, against a wall of sound. When a bartender brings a legal case for acoustic damage, publicans may think again.
"Noise affects patient care. If staff are distracted or unable to clearly hear information or instructions, lives are at risk."
Silence is elusive. Over four days, walking along the Thames path from its source to Oxford, we were out of the sound of traffic for just half an hour. Military jets scream over the remote Highlands and police helicopters clatter over secluded corners of Regents Park. Libraries now entertain kids singing nursery rhymes, art galleries display video installations, and the espresso machine thumps and grinds in cafes where people go to read and work.
Who cares
Hospital calm? Gone are the days! Machines, phones, bleeps, call bells (left unanswered because they’re short-staffed), crashing trolleys, long visiting hours with noisy families . . . the noise level in ITU can be over 100dB.
Noise affects patients. A Swedish study found that loud environments triggered more re-admissions. More hypnotics are prescribed. Patients self-discharge to get a good night’s sleep.
Noise affects patient care. If staff are distracted or unable to clearly hear information or instructions, lives are at risk.
Noise affects us all. Raised blood pressure, increased risk of cardiovascular problems, poor sleep and its attendant consequences, low birth-weight, obesity, diabetes and cognitive impairment . . . these are some of the consequences. My worst experience of noise was in Santiago de Cuba. The ancient, grinding engines of trucks and buses which had long lost their exhaust silencers woke us at dawn and deafened us until nightfall. We found relief at a cliff-top café. There was a pervasive smell of drains but, like most people, we could put up with pollution better than noise.
Nearly 2000 years ago Juvenal listed noise as one of the seven plagues of Rome (along with high rents and fashionistas). Victorians were assailed by the hawkers’ cries, wooden clogs on the cobbles, clattering carts – rubber tyres were a late 19th century innovation.
Now, noise has been weaponised. In Guantanamo it’s been used as an instrument of torture. Holed up in the Vatican nunciature, Panamanian leader General Noriega didn’t surrender until the CIA blared rock music into the building. (You can hear it on YouTube). In contrast, shopping malls broadcast Beethoven to see off hooligan loiterers.
Our valuation of noise is very subjective and poorly related to the damage it does, which is determined by its acoustic intensity and how long we are exposed to it. The decibel scale is logarithmic, so a 70dB sound is ten times more intense than 60dB. The safe exposure time for a 90dB lawnmower is two hours; for 1...