Back of the Napkin Explores the Big Journeys of Small Business Owners

Back of the Napkin Explores the Big Journeys of Small Business Owners

7. How the Nonprofit GlamourGals Provides Companionship to Isolated Seniors, with Rachel Doyle

March 31, 2021

Rachel Doyle founded GlamourGals, a nonprofit in New York City, when she was just 17 years old. The mission of GlamourGals focuses on providing support to isolated seniors who live in nursing homes or assisted living facilities, and for 20 years, the nonprofit’s key volunteer activity has been providing makeovers to seniors. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, 60% of seniors in these living situations were facing elder isolation, and since the pandemic, that number has grown to 100% due to the lack of visitors at these facilities.
Rachel and her organization are longtime clients of SurePayroll, utilizing SurePayroll’s suite of payroll and business tools to manage her small but growing nonprofit staff. We chatted with Rachel to learn more about what inspired her to launch GlamourGals, how she pivoted during the COVID-19 pandemic to address elder isolation through letter-writing campaigns, and what it was like being mentioned by Oprah when she was still in high school.