Nami does not care podcast
Latest Episodes
A CUTE FUNNY tsundere girl talks about the pleasure of TOILETS in Japan / NDNC EP9 Japanese Toilets #1
Too much information
Are Japanese people Robots?? Nami says so!
Are Japanese people really Robots! Nami says so!
Nami rants about Oldies in Japan / NDNC EP 6
Ranting about certain old people in Japan: Part 1
a little reverse culture shock part 3: finding wallets PT 2 / NDNC EP# 5
finding wallets in Japan and (not) reporting them
a little reverse culture shock part 3: finding wallets / NDNC EP# 4
Episode 4: Finding Wallets
Episode #3: Japan = No Interaction / Sushi and Touchscreens
Japan = no interaction / sushi and touchscreens
a little reverse culture shock Part 2: Japanese Customer Service
a little reverse culture shock part 2
Now "Fun-sized" / Episode #1 : Japanese Trust
a little reverse culture shock part 1: Japanese Trust