Energy Tools for the Artist, Leader, Entrepreneur: The Naked Vibes Show

Living in integrity means being true to yourself – Ep074
⚡️Download the Instant Ignition e-book here on What are you waiting for?
Integrity means you’re operating from an inner base camp of an integrated Self. This requires you to keep on the path of raising your awareness about who you are, what you stand for, what you’re in the world – as an energy – to be and to do.
So many people are operating from external cues. They morph to their circumstances because they don’t really know who they are. We’re all exposed to a constant barrage of information – news that we no longer trust, stuff that we don’t need, gossip that doesn’t add value to anyone or anything, and endless streams of blather.
It actually causes me to pause periodically and think, “Wow, am I just adding to the noise?” But, then I’m able to counter-balance it with the next thought about integrity. What is it that I’m here to do?
I have a passion and desire to help others embrace the freedom of being who they’re created to be. And the way I do that is through speaking, writing music, telling stories and sharing it with those who are hungry to know they’re made for more.
Because you are! And when you really embrace that, your life becomes a lot more rich. Living in integrity means you know your value. And you naturally feel more ALIVE.
It’s really about the experience – getting to experience yourself and others in a true light.
Download the Instant Ignition e-book for free. It will stir up some inner fun for you – get you into the zone of feeling what you really feel, knowing more about who you are as a spirit walking in this physical world.
It’s a simple, fun, and very powerful tool for taking you deeper into knowing your true Self. Knowing your value, your creative genius, your greatest desires and what you have to bring to the world is essential to a life of integrity, wealth and fulfillment.
This is THE MOST important work you can do and it’s the greatest gift you can give to yourself and your loved ones. Because it sets you free. When you feel free and comfortable in your own skin, you experience so much more of what life has to offer and you’re able to love others with much greater capacity.
Judgment naturally falls by the wayside because you recognize that we’re all seeking to find ourselves, to be seen, understood and loved. When you learn to love yourself, you become a natural guide to lead others into their integrity.
It’s exciting, exhilarating, and it provides you with a sense of abundance and fulfillment that you can’t find otherwise. We all have a yearning to get back to our true selves – out from under ideas about who we should be. I heard this description and I’m not sure where it came from, but I love it and it feels true – that’s that we all have a “God-sized hole” that we’re trying to fill with anything and everything – when the only thing that actually can fill it is God.
There’s no amount of money or stuff or accolades and awards that can fill it. That’s why there are many rich people who are miserable while some of the poorest live with a sense of joy. I’m not advocating being poor. I’m all for creating financial wealth. Because money is a physical currency in our world that betters lives and allows us to create and experience new innovations, education, travel and so on. It’s the distinction that the money itself is what brings fulfillment when it cannot do that. Not without the potent energy of the Spirit that is Love and Life in the first place.
I wrote a song some years ago and recorded it with my band, Frankly Scarlet (duo with my sister, Kelly Brown). It’s called “Beautiful”. I was talking with a friend, at the time, who had just gone through a breakup and was recognizing that she had lost herself in the relationship. The way she dressed, the car she drove, restaurants she frequented, and even her religious choices had become something she didn’t recognize as herself during the course of the relationship.
It got me thinking about how easy and how common it is for us to lose ourselves to circumstances, to ways of being and thinking that really stem more from others around us – from our parents, spouses, peers, church leaders, media, both work and social culture – than from the voice of our own souls.
11:42 – SONG: “Beautiful” – from Oh Yeah by Frankly Scarlet. Words and Music ©KB Cain. Here’s the link for you to get it on Apple Music. (Apple Music can be finicky – if it doesn’t readily connect, search Frankly Scarlet, Oh Yeah)
(BMI – Rhythmic Hips Music)
We have to be diligent about “hanging out” with our own beautiful selves – getting to know what really turns us on. That’s what leads to a vibrant life and to the ability to contribute. So you’re not just adding to the “noise”. You’re making a difference because you’re shining your light. And that light may be exactly what others need as a beacon to help them shine, too.
One of the best ways to remind you of what lights you up is coming together with other interesting and interested people – turned on about life – in a high vibe experience.
When you download the Instant Ignition e-book, you’ll also get notifications of events and experiences I’ll be hosting – designed to invite you into the vibration of your most vibrant Self, along with me and other people who intend to bring their best work, highest level of love, and their most beautiful selves to every endeavor and encounter. Creative energy is powerful and transformational. I hope you’ll join me in an upcoming experience.