Cyber Security Weekly Podcast

Episode 190 - Space 2.0 and why Space is important to Australia - Interview with Professor Russell Boyce at the Global Space & Technology Conference 2020
Jane Lo, Singapore Correspondent interviews Professor Russell Boyce at the Global Space & Technology Conference 2020.
Professor Boyce holds the position of Chair for Intelligent Space Systems and Director of UNSW Canberra Space (Australia's largest space capability), at UNSW’s campus at the Australian Defence Force Academy. His role there, leading the growth of Australia’s largest space mission and research team, leverages the first part of his career – 25 years of research and teaching in the field of hypersonic aerodynamics and scramjet propulsion. Boyce chaired the Australian Academy of Science’s National Committee for Space and Radio Science from 2011-2017; was a member of the Expert Reference Group that paved the way for the establishment of the Australian Space Agency; and has co-authored over 200 international journal and conference papers on hypersonics and space research. He sits on the Executive Council of the Space Industry Association of Australia, and has recently been named a Fellow of the American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). Professor Boyce is only the third Australian to become a Fellow of the AIAA which is the peak professional body for the aerospace sector globally.
He speaks with Mysecurity Media on why Space is important to Australia, Space innovations and transformative forces, cybersecurity considerations, and the new journey that Australia is embarking on, by combining home-grown space science and engineering talent with the global shift in the space paradigm towards miniaturised spacecraft with advanced sensors and on-board intelligence, to help meet critical needs and opportunities on Earth.
Recorded at GSTC 2020 – Global Space & Technology Conference 2020 in Singapore on 7th February 2020.