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The Bacon Podcast with Brian Basilico | CURE Your Sales & Marketing with Ideas That Make It SIZZLE!

Episode 798 – How Consistent Content Creates Consistent Connections with Warren Whitlock

July 20, 2022

Hi. I’m Warren Whitlock. My mission is to help brands improve the results of their digital marketing.

I started creating content for marketing when “new media” meant we could combine multiple slide projectors for a presentation. By the time I went online in 1981, I’d learned to push for better technology whenever it allowed us to achieve our objectives.

Throughout my career, I have created new strategies to use influence and persuasion to help people get what they want. I set hard sales goals and measured performance but never forget that people hate to be sold, but love to buy. I have been an entrepreneur in the computer, publishing, and media,

I look for collaborations where brands can share resources, extend their reach and give customers an experience they will want to share with others. I am currently partnering with IBM Futurists and a few brands and startups along with keynotes where I can engage executives transforming their organizations for an abundant future.

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Warren Whitlock is an advisor, best-selling author, digital marketing influencer and Alchemist. He helps businesses grow exponentially by defining a brand strategy framed to tell a business’s story to customers who will come with a desire to buy exactly what you sell.