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The Bacon Podcast with Brian Basilico | CURE Your Sales & Marketing with Ideas That Make It SIZZLE!

Episode 898 – Best Of – Leadership Through Mindset And Skillset with Alain Hunkins

July 12, 2023

Alain Hunkins helps high achieving people become high achieving leaders. Over his 20+ year career, Alain has worked with over 2,000 groups of leaders in 25 countries. He’s worked with 42 of the Fortune 100 companies.

In addition to being a leadership speaker, consultant, trainer, and coach, Alain is the author of CRACKING THE LEADERSHIP CODE: Three Secrets to Building Strong Leaders which was published by Wiley in March of this year. The book was endorsed by leadership luminaries Jim Kouzes, Barry Posner, and Marshall Goldsmith.

Alain serves on the Academic Board of Advisors of the New Delhi Institute of Management and is a faculty member of Duke Corporate Education. Alain’s writing has been featured in Fast Company, Inc., Chief Executive, Chief Learning Officer, and Business Insider. He’s a regular leadership strategy contributing writer for Forbes.

Learn More about Alain - Click Here