The Bacon Podcast with Brian Basilico | CURE Your Sales & Marketing with Ideas That Make It SIZZLE!

The Bacon Podcast with Brian Basilico | CURE Your Sales & Marketing with Ideas That Make It SIZZLE!

Episode 628 – Up On The Housetop Click, Click, Click – How a Website is like Building A House

December 07, 2020

If you have multiple parts of your business (wholesale, retail, and online), it makes sense to have multiple websites to serve each of your different audiences. I have this podcast site, one for my books (, one for my speaking business (, one for my LinkedIn Consulting (, and others.
Building each website is done with the help from a series of experts, (graphics, web developers, hosting companies, security programmers, integration, web content writers, blog content writers, and more). It's rare and often a mistake to try to find an all in one solution. You don't necessarily want your architect building your electrical or plumbing systems.
A website is really a series of systems. It's the same when you are building a house and it can take a group of experts to build it properly:

* Foundation
* Framing
* Exterior & Landscaping
* Electrical
* Plumbing
* Heating and Cooling
* Security

In this episode, we will talk about how all of the parts of building a house are best done by bringing together a team of people who have the knowledge and experience to build it to last and be beautiful at the same time