The Bacon Podcast with Brian Basilico | CURE Your Sales & Marketing with Ideas That Make It SIZZLE!

The Bacon Podcast with Brian Basilico | CURE Your Sales & Marketing with Ideas That Make It SIZZLE!

Episode 605 – Best Of – Bright Shiny Object Syndrome with Kelly McCausey

September 16, 2020

Kelly dropped additional nuggets of sales and marketing goodness in the EXTENDED Interview. Be sure to click here to access all of our great extended interviews, transcripts and more within our Insider's Club.
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How Do I Decide What To Focus On Next?
Tied for second place are questions like…

* Where should I spend my time and money?
* What activities actually make money?
* How soon after one project gets under way, can I add another?
* How do I know if a project is really working?
* What’s my Target Market?
* What’s my Unique Selling Proposition?
* How do I overcome Shiny Object Syndrome?
* What is Entrepreneurial ADD and why do people keep saying I have it?

There are the questions asked by solopreneurs who sense they lack focus.  They ask them because deep down they crave a better sense of direction!
Podcast Transcription
Brian Basilico: I don't know about you, guys, but I have a problem, and my problem is that I get distracted really easy. I call it, “Squirrel!” Our guest today is really, really good at helping you with that. Her name is Kelly McCausey. Kelly is going to help us learn about Bright Shiny Object Syndrome. Kelly, how are you doing today?

Kelly McCausey: I'm great. How are you?

Brian: I'm awesome. So, tell us who you are and how did you get to going from being a high school drop out to a solopreneur coach? There's got to be something in the middle there.
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Kelly: There's a lot in the middle and it's all exciting to me. Being a high school drop out meant I had trouble with money pretty much from the get-go. Being hard to employ hard to promote, hard to credit, I felt like I always startled with money, never had enough and that pretty much describes the first 25 years of my life. But there was a point where someone suggested that I could make some extra money providing a service, doing some desktop publishing. I created a website to offer those services and no one hired me to desktop publish, but lots have wanted me to build them a website. Just like that.

That brought me into the world of working home moms. My web host was Working Home Moms, my clients were work-at-home moms and as I would work on their websites, I would see all the different ways that they were making money and it made me very curious. [inaudible] but I had a community at the time, internet-based moms and it was a busy forum where I would sign lots of clients and outside became friends and ended up actually creating a membership site together that was launched in 2004. It completely changed my life because I went from being broke, under-employed to making a really exciting income just by shepherding a community and helping them find the information they needed to be successful.

Brian: Awesome. Now that you're doing this stuff, let's talk about “bright shiny objects.” What are bright shiny objects in business and believe me, I understand. But explain to my audience, what do you mean by bright shiny objects?

Kelly: In the internet marketing world and business in general, I'm sure Bright Shiny Object Syndrome is an issue, but in the internet marketing world, it's an epidemic of massive proportions.

How many mailing lists are you on, Brian? How many people are you subscribed to?

Brian: Too many to mention. I'm going to guess there's probably about 25 or 30.

Kelly: Then how many Facebook pages have you liked? How many podcasts have you subscribed to?

Brian: Too many?