The Bacon Podcast with Brian Basilico | CURE Your Sales & Marketing with Ideas That Make It SIZZLE!

The Bacon Podcast with Brian Basilico | CURE Your Sales & Marketing with Ideas That Make It SIZZLE!

Episode 600 – How And Why To Build A Golden Rolodex

August 31, 2020

Do you remember using a Rolodex? It was a device that was round or a slotted platform that contained index cards with sorted contact information in alphabetical tabs. We used to keep all our important business contacts on those for quick access.
Although you may not have one of those on your desk anymore like the old one? You still have one on your desk in the form of a phone or desktop computer.
You still want to keep track of four main groups: clients, prospects, vendors, and referrals. They contain the business relationships and human to human capital that is unique to you. Yet many people have no organized way to maintain and utilize those relationships in a proactive way that can help you promote and grow your business organically (without advertising.
There are five basic steps to building and maintaining a system that will keep those relationships fresh and at your fingertips:

* Clean Up Your Contacts - Slim down and organize your CRM
* Get Out and Network - Find new groups and meet new people
* Have Some One-On-Ones - Look for people that would be a good fit for your business or a connections business
* Take Good Notes and Get Them In Your CRM - Use LinkedIn Or Google To Research
* Stay In Touch and Refer when Possible and it makes sense

In this episode, we will discuss how and why you need to build a Golden Rolodex and how it can be an integral part of growing your business!