The Bacon Podcast with Brian Basilico | CURE Your Sales & Marketing with Ideas That Make It SIZZLE!

The Bacon Podcast with Brian Basilico | CURE Your Sales & Marketing with Ideas That Make It SIZZLE!

Episode 550 – How A Dreamcatcher Helps To Create Customer Focused Content

March 02, 2020

Have you ever had a dream or a great idea at night, said to yourself "I have to remember this?", and then wake up only to remember that you wanted to remember something, and just forgot what it was? I think we all have done that while sleeping, walking the dog, networking, or just walking around the house. I am going to suggest you get yourself a Dream Catcher.
Dream Catchers can be digital (like an Apple Watch or Phone), or as simple as a pad or pen. The big idea here is to train yourself to capture those ideas so you can incubate them, work with them, and hopefully turn them into great customer focused content. I often simply open an audio app and start speaking random ideas, and then get them transcribed.
Not only do you have to capture them, but you have to actively work on those dreams. I have created a system that I have perfected and works for me...

* Use YOUR Idea Catcher
* Research And Add To The Notes
* Capture, Enhance & Organize
* Rewrite It & Rewrite It Again
* Get a Second Set OF Eyes On It

In this episode, we will explore how to capture those random thoughts and start to convert them from raw materials into great content, that hopefully will make those dreams come true.