The Bacon Podcast with Brian Basilico | CURE Your Sales & Marketing with Ideas That Make It SIZZLE!

Episode 968 – Data is a Gift… Share The Love!
Do you remember life before Beepers, CB Radios, and Fax Machines? All three gained momentum and popularity in the ’70s and ’80s and peaked in the ’90s. However, all three fell victim to mobile phones.
Beepers became text messaging, faxes became email, and CB radios became Nextel phones and then standard mobile phones.
Artificial Intelligence is about to completely disrupt how your business is found on the internet, making it harder for small—and midsized businesses to stand out and be found. It will affect consumer businesses more than B2b businesses, but it will continue to get harder, not easier.
But there is good news. You can still take action to make sure you and your business are actively seen by companies that need what you sell.
I think creating a symbiotic relationship between your sales and marketing teams and between your sales and marketing data makes sense. You may need to hire (internal or external) to help manage the data and the sales relationships and create reports to help your company’s sales and marketing teams identify trends and opportunities, and maybe avoid missteps.