The Bacon Podcast with Brian Basilico | CURE Your Sales & Marketing with Ideas That Make It SIZZLE!
Episode 965 – BACON – Chapter 17- So Much Peopling
I was just in Chicago at the American Marketing Association’s Leadership Conference, where 400 people from around North America, representing 50+ chapters, came to learn and grow with and from each other.
Conferences are great for networking, learning, and getting out of the routine work rut, but they are also very peoply. Sometimes, too peoply.
Like social media and audio amplifiers, my brain has a self-preservation technique of shutting down when I spend too much time with people.
As a salesperson, peopling is your job. The barrier is that you are reaching out to people you probably don’t know and trying to converse at a noisy dinner table.
Promoting your brand is not 100% about what you sell. It’s about you as a person and how business and the personal interconnect. LinkedIn is one of your best platforms for sharing and caring if you are in the business-to-business sales world.