The Bacon Podcast with Brian Basilico | CURE Your Sales & Marketing with Ideas That Make It SIZZLE!
Episode 927 – Falling for the Forest from the Trees
The phrase, “can’t see the forest for the trees,” means that someone is so focused on small details or individual parts of a situation that they fail to see or understand the larger picture or the overall context. In other words, it suggests that a person is too preoccupied with minor, irrelevant, or unimportant aspects of a situation and, as a result, misses the broader and more critical perspective.
But in the case of marketing, you want people to see your tree in the forest of cold calls, unwanted direct outreach messages, and random targeted pixel ads.
Content marketing is a strategic approach that can share the unique attributes of your products, services, competitive advantages, and people.
It has two components. First, you have to create that unique content. It has to be written in a way that attracts and interests your intended audience. Secondly, you have to market. That means distributing it in a way that people take notice.
The main goal of content marketing is to create sales. B2B sales take time and trust. In most cases, it takes multiple visits to your website, to generate enough interest to want to have a conversation with your company or sales team.
“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.”
– Albert Camus
.In this episode… We will discuss how content marketing is like noticing a colorful tree in a first of green.
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