The Bacon Podcast with Brian Basilico | CURE Your Sales & Marketing with Ideas That Make It SIZZLE!
Episode 911 – Could You Improve a Customer’s Journey with Artificial Intelligence Marketing?
I’m currently listening to an audiobook Marketing 5.0 by Philip Kotler. It’s part of a series that I have been following (3.0, 4.0). 5.0 explores marketing in the post-pandemic world.
4.0 was the explosion of virtual technologies caused by remote work, social distancing, and more. Kotler believes our new Digital World has evolved with traditional marketing techniques taking giant leaps in technology and adaptation.
In Marketing 5.0, he says that our new marketing paradigm includes human-mimicking technologies like artificial intelligence, augmented reality, natural language processing, robotics, sensors, virtual reality, and blockchain. It has also evolved IOT (the Internet of Things).
The book also includes chapters on Prosperity Polarization, the Digital Divide, and Generational Marketing. This solidified my belief that Marketing 5.0 and the IOT are just a mix of new tools, technology, and techniques to reach a complex IOP (Internet of People).
I think it’s time to do a reality check.
When it comes to B2b marketing, I believe that relationships are the key to success.
One of my Baconisms is “Businesses do not do business with other Businesses… People do business with People!” You simply can’t outsource or automate relationships, but you can track and manage them.
It’s easy to capture basic data, but compiling quality, current, and relative data is needed to help nurture budding or existing relationships.
You may find that some AI tools can be useful or helpful to your unique business and situations but, as Philip Kotler said in ‘Marketing 5.0‘, it takes people and a solid marketing strategy to make any system ultimately work for you.
“Some people worry that artificial intelligence will make us feel inferior, but then, anybody in his right mind should have an inferiority complex every time he looks at a flower.”
– Alan Kay
In this episode, we will explore 6 mini-systems we use to integrate AI & humans with Marketing
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