The Bacon Podcast with Brian Basilico | CURE Your Sales & Marketing with Ideas That Make It SIZZLE!

The Bacon Podcast with Brian Basilico | CURE Your Sales & Marketing with Ideas That Make It SIZZLE!

Episode 909 – Is Your Marketing an Investment or an Expense? Good Questions!

August 21, 2023

Speaking of communications, I’ve had a few Zoom meetings this week that stood out and I wanted to share. I understand that recapping Zoom meetings may not be the most exciting thing you read all week, but bear with me. There is a point I am trying to make (that I hope will pay off your time investment).

I am speaking next month at the APAWS annual convention. Yes, there is an association of businesses that pick up dog poop. I’ll let you insert your own jokes here, but it’s serious business.

I had a Zoom meeting with my original pooper scooper who is now a national sales rep for a national scooping franchising business. We were comparing notes since we are both speaking at the conference and did not want to overlap or contradict content.

I had another Zoom call with a past client who has remained a good friend and even became a podcast guest. She works for a national company whose Chicago office hired me to improve their marketing with Linkedin Training.

I have no idea whether I can convince the scoopers to invest in B2b marketing or my clients to spend $5000 a month for leads. I do however know that your marketing expense becomes an investment only when you can track the marketing dollars that you spend, and discover the path that turns those activities into increased sales dollars.

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

– Benjamin Franklin

In this episode, we will explore how investing in marketing is good for new business.

Want To See How To Market BETTER? - Click Here