How To Run For Office

How To Run For Office

19 Canvassing Tips to Win Your Campaign! – Raz Shafer

November 29, 2017

00:00 Podcast Introduction
02:13 Does Block Walking / Canvassing Work?
03:04 Canvassing: Just Do It!
04:17 No, You don’t need a PERFECT script…
08:13 How to write an awesome Canvassing Briefing Document
12:04 Tips for effective communication with canvassing teams
14:28 Don’t get caught in an unending conversation with a voter
18:56 How to use Custom Sticky Notes when Canvassing (More at 31:10)
20:44 Tips for following up after canvassing
22:44 Picking the right Canvassing Software (Hint: Campaign Sidekick)
24:40 What are the best times to canvass voters?
26:22 Does it matter if I leave a palm card behind when canvassing and someone is not home?
27:44 Focus on the conversation, not the script.
28:52 Should I canvass homes with No Soliciting Signs?
31:34 What software should I use to analyze my canvassing data?
32:30 Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!
33:32 Will bringing Children or Dogs out canvassing with me be helpful?
34:15 Should I deploy canvassers by themselves or in groups?
35:57 How to upsell voters into attending events, placing a yard sign or donating
38:56 Can City Ordinances stop me from canvassing?
41:37 Wrapup and outro