How To Run For Office

How To Run For Office

6 Wins, 3 Terms, and He’s Just Getting Started! – Rep. Jonathan Stickland

November 14, 2017

Through 6 years, 6 elections and 3 legislative sessions, Jonathan Stickland has learned a lot and earned his status as one of Texas’ most conservative legislators. Today he’s here to share that knowledge with us!

What You’ll Learn from Tom Jonathan Stickland In This Episode:
00:00 Podcast Introduction and Rep. Jonathan Stickland Bio
02:23 How Jonathan Stickland got interested in Politics
07:17 Why Jonathan ran for office
12:19 How to keep your office from defining WHO you are
21:56 How to identify areas where compromise is possible vs where you should stand firm.
26:55 Talk us through your first campaign, what you did and major lessons you learned?
44:50 How did you handle attacks based on things you said or did early in your life that you regret?
52:00 Last words of advice from Jonathan Stickland and where to find him online