How To Run For Office

How To Run For Office

Campaign Guide to Cybersecurity – Morgan Wright

November 14, 2017

Cybersecurity has been regularly in the news over the past year but few campaigns are aware of how vulnerable they are to hacking or what to do to avoid it. Morgan Wright is here to fix that!

What You’ll Learn from Morgan Wright In This Episode:
00:00 Podcast Introduction & Morgan Wright Bio
02:50 Morgan’s background and how he became involved in Cybersecurity
12:15 How to avoid being hacked like John Podesta
18:55 Common cybersecurity problems for campaigns
23:40 What are easy steps to avoid phishing attempts
27:00 Tips for rock-solid password security
42:50 Cybersecurity doesn’t have to be time-consuming
44:05 Cybersecurity isn’t a partisan problem. EVERYBODY is at risk.
50:10 Final cybersecurity war stories
59:33 How to connect with Morgan Wright