How To Run For Office

How To Run For Office

How Campaign Coaching Can Help You Win with Raz Shafer

August 14, 2017

Raz Shafer is a veteran political operative with years of experience in political coaching and voter contact. He knows how to Overcome Campaign Chaos!
What You'll Learn from Raz Shafer In This Episode:
00:00 Podcast Introduction
07:10 Raz Shafer’s political genesis
12:00 How My Campaign Coach helps Campaigns Win
15:52 What kind of Free Content do you offer campaigns?
17:45 How to identify your campaign’s ‘asymmetrical advantage’
20:27 Developing your core message with the “Three Whys”
24:00 What is the biggest ground game mistake campaigns make?
31:55 What systems can campaigns use to cut through the chaos?
41:20 Raz Shafer's favorite “Freedom Movement Moment”
44:27 Where is the best place to learn more about My Campaign Coach?
45:54 Wrapping up with Jenn Gray
48:16 What’s new in My Campaign Coach content