How To Run For Office

How To Run For Office

Secrets to Branding Your Campaign with Ted Cruz’s Brand Strategist, Bonnie Siegel

July 17, 2017

Timestamp - Section Title Log:
00:00 Special announcement
01:33 Podcast Intro and Bonnie Siegel Bio
03:18 Bonnie’s background and how she developed her political branding concept
06:16 Building Ted Cruz’s Brand
12:14 Identifying your brand’s “product discipline”
14:02 Applying corporate branding principles to Ted Cruz’s campaign
22:29 The candidate defines the brand. Building a candidate around a brand won’t work.
28:02 How the Trump, Clinton and Cruz campaign branding impacted the 2016 race
35:28 Making your brand stand out
37:32 How should candidates start working to identify and build their brand?
42:02 You MUST set yourself apart as a unique political force, within your race.
46:32 What do you do after you define your core branding elements?
50:41 How does Political Branding Associates help campaigns?
54:48 Closing advice from Bonnie
55:44 Where can people find you online?