How To Run For Office

How To Run For Office

Why Running for Local Office Matters with Ross Kecseg

July 13, 2017

00:00 Podcast Introduction and Ross Kecseg Bio
01:30 How Ross got started in politics
04:35 You can’t change the policy unless you change the politicians
08:27 How can candidates prepare better to interview for endorsements?
15:47 Your “Why” Matters
20:31 Why running for local office is important
27:12 How to fundraise for local or state level races
35:54 Planning early may not make campaigns easy, but it’ll make them much more simple.
39:15 What should future candidates do TODAY to prepare for a run in the future?
44:30 Preview of “Questions to Ask BEFORE You Run For Office” free download
48:46 What does Empower Texans do for activists and candidates in Texas?
52:34 Closing thoughts from Ross Kecseg
54:32 Where you can find Ross online
55:07 Podcast closing and outro